To:      Council – Advisory Meeting

23 February 2022



Executive Report to Council

The Leader





1.1       Since the Council agenda for the 12 January 2022 was published, the Executive met on the 25 January 2022 and 8 February 2022.  This report summarises decisions taken by reference to the relevant portfolio within which they fall.  The meeting was conducted remotely and as such were acting in an advisory capacity, making recommendations to the individual executive members who are empowered to make the formal decisions.  This approach was in line with the decisions taken by Council on 28 April 2021 to reduce, as far as possible the need for face-to-face meetings whilst the risk of COVID-19 infection remains a threat to the lives of members and officers.


1.2       Updated Forward Plans are published every Friday and can be viewed online at  Full details on the decisions taken by individual portfolio holders can also be accessed online through the Council’s website.





2.1       Council is asked to note the report.





3.1       The reasons for recommendations are set out in the supporting information and in the reports considered by the Executive.





4.1       Alternative options are discussed in the relevant individual reports considered by the Executive.





Adult Services, Health and Housing          


5.1       Development of a new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-2026        

5.1.1    The Executive approved the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021-26 which was finalised following stakeholder consultation.  They also agreed to delegate the development of a detailed action plan to the Assistant Director of Early Help and Communities, working with partners in the new Homelessness Forum


5.1.2    The Council has a duty under the Homelessness Act 2002 to conduct a review of the nature and extent of homelessness every 5 years and to develop a strategy setting out how services will be delivered in the future to tackle homelessness and the available resources to prevent and relieve homelessness.


5.1.3    The Council’s previous Homelessness Strategy had been published in 2015.  In May 2021, work began on a comprehensive review of homelessness and rough sleeping in the borough.  This informed the development of a new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy for 2021-26.


5.2       Temporary Accommodation Housing Compliance, Void and Reactive Maintenance Contract


5.2.1    The Executive agreed the Procurement Plan for the appointment of a contractor to provide a Temporary Accommodation housing Compliance, void and reactive maintenance contract and asked that the award of the contract be delegated to the Executive Member for Adult Services, Health and Housing


5.2.2    The Council’s Contract Standing Orders require that any contracts in excess of £189k (for goods and services) to go to a formal tendering process.  This contract process will ensure the Council has an effective and reliable contractor in place to deal with any compliance, void and reactive maintenance issues that may arise.


5.2.3    The current services are provided as part of a corporate contract for maintenance and reactive repair services.  The new contract is more specialised and will allow better monitoring of costs and deadlines for all void work will match Housing’s own Key Performance Indicators to ensure delivery is effective and efficient.


5.2.4    It is expected that the tendering process will provide for an increase in the quality of provision whilst ensuring value for money.  It is also hoped that direct labour is provided thus reducing the on costs for sub-contractors and sub- sub contractors.


5.3       Bridgewell Supported Living


5.3.1    The Executive approved funding of £0.095m for detailed design fees to take forward a proposal to build a new, bespoke facility with 20 self-contained units to enable people with learning disabilities to live independently in shared accommodation on the Bridgewell site.  In addition to providing improved bespoke accommodation it is estimated this will save around £0.975m in revenue costs over the first 5 years of operation.  The Executive also agree to further explore the Homes England grant requirements with a view to improving the financial position modelled in the business case.  The Executive also approved the timetable set out within the Executive Director: People’s report.


Planning & Transport


5.4       Proposed Main Modifications to the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Local Plan (Submission Version)


5.4.1    The Executive agreed that the proposed Main Modifications to the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Local Plan (Submission version), Policies Map and supporting documents together with the schedule of Additional Modifications be approved, and that the consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Local Plan (Submission version), Policies Map and supporting documents for a period of at least six weeks be approved.  The Executive also agreed that the Executive Director Place Planning and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport agree any further changes to the Proposed Main Modifications that are recommended by the Inspectors, prior to public consultation.


5.4.2    The Central and Eastern Berkshire Joint Minerals and Waste Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 25th February 2021.  This marked the beginning of the examination phase. Public hearings were held in September and October 2021.


5.4.3    During the examination process, a number of Main Modifications have been identified that are considered necessary to make the plan sound and legally compliant.  These Main Modifications need to be subject to consultation and are supported by a Habitats Regulation Assessment Addendum, Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) Addendum and Revised Policies Map.


5.4.4    A further category of proposed changes termed Additional (Minor) Modifications have also been produced which cover factual updates and points of clarification.  These are being published for information as there is only a legal requirement to consult on the Main Modifications. It was suggested that the Proposed Main Modifications and supporting documents be published for consultation for a six week period during February and March 2022, subject to the final agreement of the Inspectors.


Finance & Transformation


5.5       Annual Review of Joint Venture Business Plan 2020-2023


5.5.1    The Executive noted the progress made by Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership for the period December 2020 to December 2021 and supported the refresh of the Joint Venture Business Plan 2020-2023 for the Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership and along with the associated financial budget and forecast.


5.5.2    The first Business Plan for the Property Joint Venture was agreed by the Council at its meeting on 25 November 2020 and covers the period 2020-2023.  This plan sets out the agreed objectives for the Joint Venture over this period, include the finances related to the first 3 sites to be developed.  The Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership was formally incorporated as a limited liability partnership (LLP) in December 2020.


5.5.3    Under the legal agreements the Business Plan is required to be reviewed and any changes agreed annually or as reasonably requested by each partner.  The refreshed JV Business Plan has been agreed by the LLP Board to be recommended to each partner organisation for consideration and approval.



            Children, Young People & Learning


5.6       BFC Approval of the Strategic Procurement Plan for the Short Breaks Play and Leisure Scheme


5.6.1    That Executive approved the Council’s plan for procuring the Short Breaks Play and Leisure Scheme under the Light Touch Regime.


5.6.2    The new contract will begin on the 1 September 2022 with a proposed total contractual term of 5 years, starting with an initial period of two years and three further years of optional extensions.


5.6.3    The targeted play and leisure scheme forms part of Bracknell Forest Council’s Short Breaks offer.  It also supports our early intervention work for Children and Young People up to the age of 18 with disabilities, including complex needs and their families and had been commissioned since 2009.




Borough Solicitor


6.1       The Borough Solicitor’s comments have been addressed in the reports to the Executive.


Executive Director: Resources


6.2       The Executive Director: Resources’ comments have been addressed in the reports to the Executive.


Equalities Impact Assessment


6.3       Equalities issues, where appropriate, have been addressed in the reports to the Executive.


Strategic Risk Management Issues


6.4       Any strategic risks have been identified in the reports to the Executive.



Background Papers

Executive Agenda –    25 January 2022

                                    8 February 2022



Contact for further information

Hannah Harding, Delivery - 01344 352308